Valentin Motyka (e was left off his name)
Lived at 29 Ann St, Newark, NJ
Had 3 children (all born dates were blocked out by Homeland Security)
Stanley born (blank) at New York
Henry born (blank) at Newark
Hellen (2 ll’s) born(blank) Newark
All resides with me
Renouncing all future allegiances to The Republic of Poland
Declaration of Intention No. 15067 and Certificates of Arrival signed on 24th of Mar 1927
Signed : Valentin ( not sure if there is an e there or not, but in his own handwriting)
Witnesses were Stanley Grusjkos (hard to read) R.E. residing (blocked out by Homeland Security)
August Deisdzia (hard to read), machinist residing (blocked out by Homeland Security)
Source: photo copy of document from US Dept o Homeland Security, US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Offic of Records, Genealogy Program, C-File for Valentine Motyka
Source: photo copy of document from US Dept o Homeland Security, US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Offic of Records, Genealogy Program, C-File for Valentine Motyka
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What new information I discovered from this document....
1. his name was spelled without a e at the end. This my be typographical error.
2. his wife name, Mary, was spelled Marya
3. her place of birth is Pruchnik. On her papers it states she was from Czelatyce. Found both places on a map. Czelatyce is approx. 8 miles south of Jaroslav and Pruchnik is approx. 11 miles souht-west of Jaroslav. So they are close.
4. this document states he's from Tarnobrazeg, Poland. Mary's document says Nagnajow, Poland
5. all of the children birth information is blocked out but I have that so no big deal
6. his daughter's name is spelled with two ll's - Hellen - may be typographical error
7. one of the witnesses name was Stanley Gruszkos. I found a WW1 Draft Registration Card for a Stanislaus Gruszkos that was born in Newark, NJ and was a machinist. Possibly Stanley and Valentine worked together.
8. Found a website "Old trunk" - the history of the town of Pruchnik, Jodlowki. Had to have turned on to read, it was in Polish. On a tab for Book of Marriages I found a Wojciech Motyka, a widower marrying a Jadwiga Piczula Miss 1783.01.02. So there were or are Motyka's in that town. But I could not find a Leszczak . I wonder if Valentine and Mary knew each other before coming to the United Stated?
Sorry, I could not get the document image or the map image to post here.
So to conclude. Not too much new information found on this document but enough to send me searching in Poland for more documents.
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