Thursday, December 31, 2015

Days of Christmas Past

 * First taste of snow
 * Christmas in Gardena, CA
 * What's happening with the Immigration papers for Valentine Motyka

* First taste of snow

I believe this photo was taken at mom and dad's cabin in Wrightwood, CA in about 1956.   From left to right..... Mary and Mac McDonald (friends of my parents), my brother Tom, my mom Helen, me Crystal, Bill my dad and possibly Ruth, Mary's sister.  I think I look so much like my mom.  That could be me holding my brother ,Tom, as a toddler.  More similarities are in my brothers daughter, Christian, both her and I both have the same large eyes as children and I see Kyle, my brothers son in Tom's face.   Most likely this was the first time for Tom and I to experience snow. Though I don't remember any of it.  Thank goodness for photos.

* Christmas in Gardena, CA

Now this was me, Crystal, in our Gardena, California home date 1956 ( I would have been 2 1/2).  Notice the train under the tree.  According to my cousin Kendal and my uncle Ken, grandpa Herbert loved trains, he had one in his basement in Garwood, NJ.  Kendal loved trains, dad loved trains and I usually have a train going under my Christmas tree each year.  Maybe grandpa love of trains is due to the fact that Herbert worked for the Jersey Central Railroad as a air brake inspector in New Jersey.

I remember dad had a HO train setup that Tom and I would play with in our Torrance home. I think he would get it down and running around Christmas time.  It had houses and buildings that lite up and streets that Tom and I would drive Tom's Hot Wheel cars on.   Eventually that graduated to an  N-Guage train setup (much smaller than HO)  that he would set up on the pool table. I believe this train setup is still in the garage of my dads,  now brothers house. Maybe someday, now that he's retired, Tom will get it down and running for the grandkids and big kids alike to enjoy again.

* Update of the Immigration Papers for Valentine Motyka

These are the Immigration Papers I ordered 6/26/2015 for my grand father Valentine Motyka.  I found out about him having Immigration Papers when I received my grandmothers Alien Case Files from the National Archives at Kansas City. They stated he was naturalized on July 31, 1927 at Newark, New Jersey.  I was unaware he was naturalized.  So I sent away for the papers hoping it may include informant about him that I did not know.

I had inquired about these papers several times but about 4 weeks ago the response I received ( other than just Pending) was that the Current Status was Pending due to Pending FOIA.  FOIA I found out, states that document(s) found within the requested file contain third party information and is undergoing required FOIA/PA review by the USCIS Genealogy Program. This case is not with the USCIS Freedom of Information Program. So I still wait.

Just checked status again this month and it's still Pending but Pending Closure - "The record responsive to your request has been located, retrieved, duplicated, review and/or FOIA-processed."  So I'm hoping this means I should get it soon. So stay tuned.

I would like to wish all those that read this blog a Happy and Healthy 2016.
Happy New Year everyone.

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